Saturday, January 19, 2013

PM Note: Inaugurations are for Great American Words, But What Can Obama Say?

Great Words - With malice toward none, with charity for all? The only thing we have to fear is? ?ask not what your country can do for you?. ?proof that personal liberty is consistent with strong and stable government? ?preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.

Inaugural addresses are an opportunity for presidents on the nation's front lawn - a place that Americans come to in turns inaugurate their leaders, protest their government and mourn their dead - to place a marker for their legacy.

There have been some weighty and remarkable things said as presidents took the oath of office looking down on the Mall and also, from nearby, as other Americans have looked up and let their voices be heard at gatherings as varied as the March on Washington and the Promise Keepers.

What can Barack Obama say, come Monday, as he begins a second term with lower expectations and less inspiration, to place himself on this list of great American words?

Click below for an interactive look at the competition:

Obama's 2nd Term Army - Jim Messina talks to Jon Karl about melding 20 million activists, corporate cash and the Obama agenda -

KARL: Will this group accept corporate money?

MESSINA: "We probably will. If there are folks who want to get involved and help with common sense proposals that we'll be pushing, we'll be more than happy to partner with folks to get these things done."

More Obama Campaign 2.0: 'Organizing for Action' - The grassroots political network that made history in 2008 and 2012 is being morphed into a nonprofit advocacy group to help advance President Obama's agenda. First Lady Michelle Obama made the announcement in a video message to supporters, calling the move "the next phase in our movement for change." (Dwyer and Bruce)

'Hard Things are Hard' - Must-Read Interview with Valerie Jarrett by Ann Compton -

Presidents Bush to Skip Obama Inaugural - Obama's second oath of office will occur with only Democratic former presidents sharing the stage. Both former President Bill Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter plan on attending.

What Should the First Tweens Wear? Shush Walshe Has Politically Dressed -

12 Unexpected Inaugural Factoids - Like how Robert Frost Forgot JFK's Name - (Parnass)

Biden Responds to Onion, Prefers Corvettes -

Some States Say No to Obama Gun Proposals, Is it Constitutional? - From the Mississippi governor to lawmakers in Texas, Missouri and Wyoming, even local sheriffs in Oregon and Kentucky, many of those who oppose the president's proposal believe it is within their legal right to not only refuse to enforce federal legislation, but to make it a crime for a federal agent to try and enforce the law in their states. (Walshe)

Sen. John Cornyn: 'We Will Raise the Debt Ceiling' - Sen. John Cornyn is one of a number of Republicans who have suggested that a partial government shutdown might be necessary in the coming months as Republicans and Democrats spar over a trio of deadlines - the debt ceiling, funding the government, and dealing with automatic spending cuts. But in an interview with the editorial board of the Houston Chronicle, Cornyn said the debt ceiling, at least, would be raised.

Virginia Lawmaker Brandishes AK-47 on House Floor - Virginia Del. Joe Morrissey, a Democrat hailing from the Richmond area, showed off the weapon while pushing for tighter gun-control laws, The Washington Examiner reported.

Snake Hunter Bill Nelson - Barely a week after his swearing in for a third term as senator, Bill Nelson has conceded defeat, tweeting, "pythons seems to be elusive in this warm weather, none caught today."?Nelson became the newest participant in Florida's Python Challenge 2013. The concept being, that deploying nearly 1,000 heavily armed hunters into the Everglades for a month might speed the eradication of [pythons in Florida]. (Gutman)

Algeria Terrorists Want to Trade US Hostages for World Trade Center Plotter The al Qaeda-linked terrorists holding Americans and other Westerners hostage at a gas plant in Algeria have now demanded the release of two convicted terrorists held in U.S. prisons, including the "blind sheikh" who helped plan the first attack on New York's World Trade Center, in exchange for the freedom of two American hostages, according to an African news service.

Inauguration Weekend: A Star-Powered Lineup -

Stephen Colbert's Sister Plots House Run in South Carolina -

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